Behind the scenes of my blog

By Rodrigo Villalba on 9 Mar, 2021


Part of my motivation for having a website/blog, was the curiosity of building something on my own, from scratch, relying on my skills as a web developer and being able to pick the tech I liked the most. So I decided to build everything by hand, instead of using a blog template or something like wordpress.

This is the tech behind the site:

  • NextJS: which allows me to use React, my favorite library, and also easily create pages for each section and blog post.
  • Chakra UI: I have very little design skills and Chakra UI allows me to build something that looks decent. As I heard someone once said "Being a developer, with Chakra I can design as I code".
  • Markdown: for writing the blog post and then feed the files to NextJS and dynamically (at build-time) create a page for each markdown file.
  • Netlify: for deploying my website. It is hooked up to Github so all I have to do is push the changes to a Github repo and it automatically deploys each new version. I'm planning to eventually move over to Vercel, which is the hosting platform from the NextJS team and in that way I will be able to fully take advantage of all of NextJS features.

And that's pretty much it, you can find the source code for my website on Github.

What I need to keep improving on is my writing process and tools. I was using just VSCode to write new blog posts, and lately I've been trying out iA Writer and loving it, since it lets you focus on just the text on your screen and also allows you to export the text to a markdown file.

I'm also realizing that I make many writing mistakes and need to keep working on becoming a more smooth writer, for that I should probably get some help from other tools like Grammarly. And that's on my todo list.